Bring Nature to your Rooms with NARCISO and DAFNE

Indoor plants are very popular, especially in large cities. It’s not hard to see why. Plants help us create a healthier and more enjoyable living environment, adding a touch of nature to any indoor space. Atmosphere in a home with indoor plants becomes more relaxed and calming.

And that’s not to mention that plants produce oxygen and add moisture to the indoor air, which improves its quality. Besides, many people just love indoor plants.  For many, taking care of plants is a rewarding and even therapeutic hobby, which can reduce stress and boost productivity.

From a designers’ point of view, indoor plants (along with the pots they grow in) make versatile decorative objects. They can be used in a great variety of spaces, from small apartments to large open space offices and public places.

That’s why Bellavista Collection, the brand mostly focused on Italian luxury furniture, also offers designer planters for indoor flowers. With a beautiful flower, growing in a well-designed quality planter, your room will look and feel complete.

If you open the main menu of Bellavista Collection’s website, one of the items is named PRODUCTS. This section is actually the brand’s online catalog. Open it and select HOME DÉCOR product category; one of its sub-categories is named BELLAVISTA DETAILS. Here you can find a number of assorted pieces, such as a bookrest, a folding screen, several pedestals for artworks, sculptures of animals, which will look great on these pedestals. Browsing through this web page, you’ll instantly notice DAFNE and NARCISO – two exquisite planters for indoor flowers.  Let’s take a closer look at them.

DAFNE has a wooden outer structure, which could be veneered in six differently-colored woods: four kinds of oak, natural or stained, and grey larch. It means that you’ll be able to easily mix it into almost any existing interior. As to the dimensions, you have three variants of DAFNE to choose from. One is 40×40 centimeters (15.7 inches) and 55 centimeters (21.6 inches) high. Two other ones both are 35×35 centimeters (13.8 inches), but differ in height. One is 45 centimeters (17.7 inches) high, and the other is 65 centimeters (25.6 inches). So, you can pick the model, which will blend into your room best.

NARCISO is a bit taller; it’s a floor-standing planter. Being 110 centimeters (43.3 inches) high, it doesn’t need a shelf or any other base for the plant to get enough sunlight. Its dimensions (32.5×32.5 centimeters, or 12.8’x12.8 inches) are sufficient for most of popular indoor flowers.

What makes NARCISO special is it’s the material used for its outer structure: brass with antique bronze finish.  Bellavista Collection has always been good at showing natural beauty of materials and combining them. So, the structure perfectly harmonizes with any of the three options available for the wooden base. It could be made of moka stained ashwood or veneered with ebony or grey sukupira.

Both planters have a removable inner tank, which is made of top-quality stainless steel. It’s an extremely durable material, so you can be sure that whatever planter you choose, the flower growing in it will please you for decades.

What to Pick, Where to Place

Here are some tips on how you can use planters from Bellavista Collection in your home most effectively.

To begin with, it’s important to pick the plant, suitable for your purpose. All three Bellavista’s planters are large enough to accommodate the root system of many indoor plants, providing them sufficient space for growth. Here are a few popular indoor plants, which are easy to care for.

Snake plant, or Sansevieria, will look great in any of the three planters, especially in the tall NARCISO.  This plant with long, pointed leaves can thrive in a variety of lighting conditions, which makes it exceedingly versatile when it comes to interior design.

Spider plant, or Chlorophytum comosum, is said to be a superb cleanser of air. Spider plants have long, narrow leaves that grow outward from the central spot. This plant is very easy to grow and propagate: it produces small plants – so-called “babies” that can be easily repotted.

Peace Lily, or Spathiphyllum, is one more attractive yet unpretentious plant. Their glossy, dark green leaves and lovely white flowers will look superb in any room. Peace Lilies can adapt to different lighting conditions, which makes them a great pick for a person who isn’t proficient in gardening.

Chinese Evergreen, or Aglaonema, easily adapts to low light and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures and humidity levels. Chinese evergreens look gorgeous, thanks to their parti-colored leaves with patterns of green and white.

If you’re going to place your planter beside a wall, you may love Golden Pothos, or Epipremnum aureum. These plants have long, trailing lianas with lovely heart-shaped leaves. Pothos is extremely easy to care for; if it’s given minor support, it can climb trellis or walls – a great idea for a room design.

All of these indoor plants can fit well in the pot of any of Bellavista’s planters. Good-looking yet unpretentious, these plants will add a touch of greenery to your indoor space.

There are lots of ways to place live plants in your room to the best effect. For example, you may group them together.

Placing several plants in NARCISO and DAFNE planters together can create a beautiful display, adding zest to your room. However, keep in mind that you should choose plants with similar growing conditions and water needs. For instance, grouping succulents together makes a low-maintenance, drought-tolerant display, while a group of ferns creates a spot of lush, tropical-looking flora, which will please your eye and help you relax after a busy working day.

As you see, planters with indoor flowers give you lots of opportunities to make your home a better place to live.  Adding houseplants to your interior design not only adds pops of green color to the room, but also brings a touch of nature and life into your space. People often lack it, especially in large cities.